Thursday, February 28, 2008


If I had a penny for every time someone visited this site this week to read what I would post after our "meeting with the mediator" I'd be able to drill a well for the kids of Africa to have fresh drinking water in a poverty stricken village. If only you were here for good intentions. I hate to disappoint you.

Its kind of a sad to think that instead of emailing me or one even better, giving me a call to see if we are doing OK. You'd rather click here to see me vent. So sorry to disappoint you... I'm still me. Remember, this is Walking in Love, a journal of my journey. I refuse to sell my soul for anyone. Pastor, family member or boss. In my eyes, I have only ONE whom I report to, and without a doubt, He's cheering me on this week. I can hear Him now..."Way to go daughter of mine!!!" :)

I want you to know that...I pray for you, I pray for the Pastors, I pray for the leaders, I pray for the elder board and advisers, I pray for the congregation. I pray for those who have decided to depart and especially for those yet to walk in. I pray especially hard for you, if you came here for gossip and hatred. I hate no one. I only feel hurt and discomfort. A reality our Lord deals with each and every day on a level I could not fathom.

I could quote scripture. I could remind you that God demands us to live in love. You know that already. A man or woman right with God knows very well when he or she disappoints Him. The Bible is the greatest rule book ever written. If you muck up, pick it up, God will lift you up.

This is my blog, and I'm sorry to disappoint you in saying that I am still me. The same Dawn that would be there to help the same person who stomped on my heart this past Sunday. The same Dawn that will pray each and every day for the lost, lonely and unsaved. I will lift up those already saved that they too will do what God demands of us and not give more people a reason to turn from Him but to Him.

Sorry for the boring blog..... sorry to disappoint you. I'm still praying for you, harder now than ever. May God's Blessings Not Only Shine Over You but Through You!!!!!!

Let me walk away being known as ....Dawn, the woman that loves an amazing man, not for what he once was, but for the man he is each and every day. Please remember me as God's daughter, a true Carpenter in mind, body and soul.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

"As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath." (Romans 12:18-19)

Do you know someone who just walks around every day with nothing but hate spewing from their mouth? It's exhausting to hang with them, isn't it? I can't imagine being them.

God's word it quite clear in the verse above. Let it go!

If you need a reality check, this one's for you! You're not God!

So, hang up that ego trip you're on and let the God who made you deal with you and others like you. How's that for reality?