Sunday, October 28, 2007 a decision!

It's not often...I feel the need to put my words down. Tonight just happens to be one of those nights. My head is heavy. My heart is full. I am saddened by the behaviors of so many. Human we are...I am no different. In fact, if they took the time to find out, my reasons are plenty!

Hatred is a choice. Being a coward is a decision. Love, is so often denied. Respect, too often stripped. The mirror speaks volumes. A glance, just a mumble. Take the time out to look. Look deeply, I dare you! To listen to it's harsh words. Listen harder, I dare you! To feel the message, the punch of it's screams. Can you? I dare you? Afraid?

Come on...Try it... you're brave!

Judgement is not yours. For your actions are selfish. Feeling it yet? Don't deny. Take the time out to listen to your soul. Innocent you are not. Sinful you are! I'll bet my life on it! I know's me too.

I promise, I won't judge!

Love the unlovable. Hold the unfriendly. Comfort the lonely. Look long and hard...listen even harder. Don't judge the offender...for innocent you are not. For you, no matter who, are the guilty. For you, are the offender. For you, have judged. For you, have been judged. Sucks it does!

Proud of yourself?
Me either!

Change is a choice...the mirror will tell you.

Do it now... it's your decision!!!

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