Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wearing Your Heart On Your Sleeve

For the first time in a while I was captivated by the message in church. Kudos to Tucker! He just shines with God's given talent when he is preaching. It's so his thing! I don't know if he would agree or not, I am just a fan of his passion. We are fortunate to have him preaching to us the entire month of January. I have been looking forward to it for some time now. It's a great way to start the year! You should come check it out at Carpenters Community Church.

Today's message was based on the TV series, Heroes and entitled "Just Go." Tucker called us on the carpet about our faith. He asked us where we stand on it. What defines and inspires our faith and how willing we are or are not to get out of our comfort zone and share it with others.

Last year this time I got an amazing tattoo on my back of an Icthus. (Latin word, meaning fish. The letters stand for: Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior) I just love it! I did it because I wanted the opportunity to share my faith with others. It's kind of funny when co-workers will catch a glimpse of it and judge. I look at them, tell them to get a life and explain that it's a permanent reminder to me and all those who see it how GOD is amazing and with me always. Well this week, Tucker got an pretty freaking (shhh, it's not a bad word) cool tattoo, offering him a similar opportunity. You'll have to check it and his story out at his blog. I hope he doesn't mind.... Tucker Hibbs.

I'm not much of an actress. I can't lie to save my life. (ask my mom, dad or Mark) I wear my heart on my sleeve. I consider myself a "What you see, is what you get" kind of girl. I can only hope that my love of Christ is apparent in my words and actions. As for the tattoo, it's just another heart on my sleeve. It's an opportunity to share my testimony. The key is, not allowing it to limit me. Being a Christian has tested me. It's not easy but it's so worth it. Tucker called being a Christian "not boring" today.... so true! It's very possible to talk the talk while walking the walk. I'm honored when co-workers point me out at a Christian. It's one label I wear proudly! Thanks Tucker for the amazing morning!

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