Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ouch my head hurts!

It's sort of like the commuter train on a Monday morning. Every seat is full. No one is energised. It's just the same ol, same old. Predictable actions. No one can look eye to eye. It's easier to pretend you're sleeping. The woman at the counter hands you your coffee, never wishing you a happy day. You glance the day's headlines, nothing catching you by surprise. The man who sat next to you at work has been let go and all the department can do it gossip. Friends announce a divorce, you pick sides. A kid shoots another, because it was something to do on a Friday night.

Ouch my head hurts but my heart hurts more. This world has become heartless. Today they announced no more hugs in school. Relationships have been replaced by iPods, Playstation, TV/Tivo, IM-ing, Texting, My Space, Face Book, You Tube, Drunk girls passed out from alcohol and plastered all over the internet, this is our past time. No more family outings. Dinners together are shared in the car driving from one activity to the next. Your too busy to make it to church on Sunday. We no longer put our hearts in life but instead have heart attacks trying to live it. What's wrong with that?

1 comment:

RestingByStillWaters... said...

"I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life"
(Deuteronomy 30:19).

By James MacDonald:
More than you or I would ever like to admit, we are where we are in life because of the choices we've made. Every step forward has been because of a good choice and every step backward has been because of a bad choice. It's traceable through our individual lives as well as through history. In fact, all of God's Word is a story of people's choices.

Go all the way back to the beginning. God made Adam and Eve and put them in a garden. Most of the options they had were premium-"Do I want cantaloupe or grapes? Will I go for a walk or a swim?" Except for one. Right in the center of Eden, God placed a tree that served as a monument to the power of choice. He told them, "Everything in the garden is awesome. Enjoy it all-except the fruit of this one tree." And what did they do? They chose wrong and ate it anyway, and we've been spiraling from the consequences ever since.

It all comes down to choices...are we as christians going to follow this WORLD or are we going to follow CHRIST.