Saturday, November 17, 2007


God's voice, His words, His actions. His messages are always there. If you're saved you know that God speaks to you on all levels.

I am often blown away by His message. This week it has been one validation after another. Who but God would speak to you, me, in homework? Yes, really, my homework!! My life has been pretty interesting lately, now please let me make this clear, I have no regrets! When I have felt weak and beat up by society I have considered closing the door and just moving on. When those moments occur, I open my Bible. I turn to my dearest of friends. And that's when it happens. Imaging yourself, walking the yellow line on a major interstate. Vehicles are passing you by at high rates of speed, vrrrrmmmm, beeeeeppppp. It's one close call after another. You feel death with each passing vehicle. Then it happens. You lose your balance, you wobble and BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your hit!!!!!!

Which side of the yellow line are you going to fall on?

I have to say, when you're tired, beat up, completely frustrated with life and those around you. Fall on the GOD side... I can't explain it. Words can not justify it.

WOW, it's sooooooooo cool! A smile can come from the darkest of moments.

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